Hafa Adai from the island of Guam!

Hafa Adai ("Hello" in CHamoru, the native tongue and indigenous people of Guam)! Guam, an unincorporated territory of the United States in the North Pacific Ocean, is the largest, most populous, and southernmost island of the Marianas Archipelago. The Marianas is particularly known for its extensive and vibrant coral reef ecosystems.

The Navigating Home Guam Hub continues to grow its number of partnerships within the community to fit various fellows' goals. Since the Guam Hub’s launch in July 2023, we have 7 partnerships: 4 Government Agencies (Department of Agriculture/Division of Aquatic and Wildlife Resources, Guam Environmental Protection Agency, Guam Energy Office, and Bureau of Statistics and Plans/Guam Coastal Management Program); 2 University of Guam Research Labs (Dr. Else Demeulenaere and Dr. Brett Taylor); 1 Non-Profit Organization (University of Guam Center of Island Sustainability/Sea Grant).

Katelyn R. Anderson, Guam Workforce Fellow
My main goal as a new fellow for the NSF Navigating Home Early Career Program is to work with our partners and to spread awareness of all the conservation work that is ongoing and the potential for new conservation projects as our environment, our island, faces the ever-changing effects of climate change.
— Katelyn R. Anderson, Workforce Fellow

Let’s create change together.

We are recruiting Workforce Fellows and Engaging Mentors.

Are you interested in becoming a Guam Workforce Fellow?

Annually, we are seeking 5 summer fellows and 2-3 annual fellows.

Fellows need to:

  1. be experienced and interested in marine, environmental, sustainability science or engineering

  2. be a current master's/PhD student or recent Master's/PhD graduate

  3. show proof of local residency prior to post-secondary education (e.g. high school diploma) *

  4. submit two recommendation letters

*Suggested but not required

Do you need more information on this program?

Contact us using the button below.

Are you interested in hosting a Workforce Fellow?

Be part of an initiative that plays a crucial role in advancing diversity, inclusion, and participation in the geosciences field within the U.S. territories of Guam, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Our grant will fund airfare and an annual salary. We want you, the host agency, to help us gather students interested in marine, environmental sustainability sciences or engineering and give them the chance to start their career at home.

Become A Fellow


Mentor A Fellow


Become A Fellow ✳︎ Mentor A Fellow ✳︎